Fuck ponies.
That was good shit man! that%uFEFF made me laugh like my nipples were being refurbished by sand paper.
Spazkid, never become sane.
Fuck ponies.
That was good shit man! that%uFEFF made me laugh like my nipples were being refurbished by sand paper.
Spazkid, never become sane.
damn i dont have enough self impaling hats
lol you have a very good point people share these useless storys like i ate fish or i went walking its stupid i agree 100%
lol i remember this
when link was forceably put in the barrel to get launched and save his sis link makes really weird sounds like this lol funny ass loop
that was the best but all i can say was some clips were funnier than others
definitly, some are pretty boring, but in the context of the game it has more potency
where have i seen that art style before
it looks alot like the art from the scott pilgrim series any way i thought the animation was nice :D thats all
i read the what? button and that sucks i still can belive that you simply wrote a journal about a stolen wallpaper and got journal banned for ever well your right at home on NG
horay for satire
most of the artists hate kirbopher and rinna chan!? lol i had no idea other than his jokes were worn out like snake and his box or dedede's dance or well pretty much every thing he has said has been worn out with the thounsandth "brawl taunts" or has been taken. but i hardly got the jokes untill i read the reviews so for those about to blam read this
oh p.s. if that was not the mesage than what was it!!!!??
OMG the jokes persuaded me to get ur book ur so funny :D
this was great i just wish he wasnt so lonely
i cant wait to see what happens next!
please keep up the good work
>.< im new here so dont think any flash will come soon i MIGHT try sumthin but yeahhhhhh
full time idot
Joined on 3/22/09